Childcare Funding

Tax Free Childcare, Tax Credits and other Childcare Choices

You may be eligible for tax-free childcare, universal credits, tax credits, support while you study, or other funding to help towards the cost of your childcare.

For more information, please visit

Childcare funding

Funding for 2-year-olds

15 hours FEET funding

15 hours of FEET funding is available for families in England, receiving some additional forms of government support.

To check if you are eligible click here

To apply for FEET funding click here

15 hours for eligible working families in England

To check if you are eligible and apply, please visit

Funding for 3 and 4-year-olds

15 hours Universal funding

The term after your child turns 3, all families are entitled to 15 hours of childcare.  There is nothing you will need to do.

30 hours for eligible working families in England

To check if you are eligible and apply, please visit

Childcare Funding in Esher
Childcare funding

Surrey Early Years funding period

Autumn Term

1st September to 31st December

Spring Term

1st January to 31st March

Summer Term

1st April to 31st August

Your child will be eligible for funding the term after their birthday.